On the ninth day of the birth of IBD were personal horoscope:.
IBD -san was born on November 1, 1998 - a year the tiger. Syanyneny - these wrestlers are always ready to sacrifice for the sake of his idea, cause that is close. They always attract attention, it is difficult to argue, it is difficult to resist the pressure of their. They often come into conflict with colleagues and superior officers, even with government agencies and departments. They do not like to ask, they just require pute imitsayti. And for that claw his throat! . ... They love the speed, quickness, and from all forms of transport prefer motorcycles, cars and airplanes. In the last third of life For - rank facing premature death (often violent ) *. For - san loves public spectacles, especially theater and film. It is best suited for his life in Italy, France, if not strange, Uganda, Chile and Ecuador. Three of the Syanyienya because, as you know, born in the year of the boar. The fourth annual dog Syanyien. They all get along very well with the ... The business relationship between a tiger and a dog flourish in all areas and regions, except for commercial activities. A business with Tiger - Boar depend on the generosity and the generosity of the tiger. So say the stars.
Zim combines a tree structure of information with features such as a simple reference to any other article, tag cloud, and almost limitless possibilities to create a ' personal wiki' - in fact, and position their. program. developers. By the way, the interface of the program itself is very minimalistic, but connected through a menu item 'Preferences' dobavlyut plugins one by one feature - a tag cloud, drawing diagrams, etc. It should be noted that for some plugins to install another free software, such as charting you need GraphViz, their website can be found online easily.
I chose to Zim as a wrapper for an encyclopedia on the setting, and that is wiki- reporting seems to me the most convenient for such a large labor. By the way, the information (each section and subsection ), the program stores in a separate text file, with fixed to the images and links, if you added them. Because the size of your database, organizer, or a cookbook - though for what you choose to use Zim - limited only by your imagination and the need. Moreover, the project fairly regularly updated ( on a regular basis - for tekstvogo editor, t. e. once or twice a year, avoiding exclusion) is not only free but also krossplatformernym Software. Definitely must have!.
The only tree in the house. This is not a postcard, it's my cat.
In response to the crisis back in vogue wall newspapers. Color printing, and for a time forgotten, Folia.
An ordinary street in the city. Line of cars stretched for about 2 miles - easy on the eye has not seen. The crisis that shit. Gasoline expensive. How do.
Ending on New Year's discount.
Trade green corpses. Last year, almost to the end of January they tried vparit wood - people are reluctant to take.
At the breakfast, which over time can already be attributed to the dinner, coffee, and the last of the cigar donated by the Sicilian, the next hour or two a merry cheerful mood provided. An hour later - Retake test on the bibliography. Now I have everything perfectly, even if by the end of the day regret it later.
The plot revolves around the fact that the earth remains a bit of people, all the rest - a zombie. Zombivirus transmitted by the bite, so once bitten or scratched during the day becomes a zombie. But these are just outline that defines the scope of the narrative. Then something starts disrupting the tower.
What has not happened with Tarantino in the bastard, this happened in all its glory. Absolutely crazy mesilovo accidents zombies. They were killed in all possible ways: from clippers to the piano dropped from a roof.
In the middle of the growing love interest in the style of the American pie, line, and the tragic quite so incomprehensible line associated with Bill Murray. Actually, just for the sake of that one scene with Bill is to go to a movie. Even a comment on this scene does not work: some cross between debilizma with cynicism.
If there is something to compare Zombilend, it's a carnival: the whirlwind of loosely connected events, however, inserts and makes empathize and laugh. Meaning there is no need to seek. I figured it out already in the first minutes.
Very good fun film, which should go, even with a girl: a zombie does nestrashnye and krovischi though much, but feeling that it's ketchup, not a single moment is lost.
House, MD, an outline 1.3 series:.
House is being treated at the clinic, as a result comes with the doctor to believe that he must still return to the clinic. But as he said about leaving Cuddy, then put in its place a Negro: it leads to the dismissal of Taub and 13. The team re- make the old heroes, designed under the banner of the fight against disease. In the third series of tow-headed analysis of substitutes, and as a result of the patient dies. While the most powerful series - the second.
Dexter, an outline 2.1 series:.
Dexter had a son and eventually not getting enough sleep, because the cares and tries to catch Rita on all three fronts. In the end, he gets into an accident because of lack of sleep and can not remember where to put his bags with parts of another criminal sawn. But by the end of the second series, he finds them and drowns in the sea. Against this background, developing a story about a maniac Trinity, which cuts the femoral artery to the ladies all over the country for thirty years. The first corpse is already. Hunt for the Trinity comes fbrovets of the second season, who was sleeping with her sister Dexter. She is confused. Well, who else has a lot to whom sleep. Solid sex, your mother. But if I understood correctly in the latest series of ads, the way the Trinity and is closely intertwined Desktera.
Supernatural 1-4 series:.
Sam because of his addiction to demon blood released Lucifer, the brothers end up constantly quarreling, and even run up to one series in different directions. But at the end of the fourth back together, because they will know that Dean - a vessel of Michael and Sam - Lucifer and the two do not want to let them into a. Bobby got pizdyuley and now he lost the leg. Kasiel running around the planet in search of God. The brothers then alternately pussy demons, angels. On the planet a little apocalypse unfolds with all the signs of relying.
Tried it myself as a Moneymaker at least once in all the time using the Internet - 7 % of the users, of which 86% males, 14 % women. But because the data from the survey - women, for sure, even less. Of these, 7% still have some money on the net 34% t. e. about one in three. Average earnings in the network - 126 USD / month. Fantastic earnings swept aside as unreliable or low fidelity.
Total in runet peers on average 35 million. person at least once a month. Assume that two. 38% ( 34% from 7% ) of them earned in the network. This 833tys. man. Total sales have manimeykinga in Russia - almost 100 million. USD per month.
My opinion is that complete garbage - not so much in Russia Moneymaker. Take on the need of active Internet users - m. e. numbers of at least three times as follows: 35mln. / month. or. 420mln. / year. If we recall that the annual turnover of sales links for last year was estimated to Russian Reporter magazine - 80mln. Still about the same given context ( YAN, Begun, Adsense ). And remember that most of the Moneymaker removed from the west ( umaks, klikvip, penny etc. ), The figures are not bad korrelliruyut.
What can we draw from these dry tsifer? . 420 million. USD - it's certainly not the state of Roman Abramovich, but it is very decent figure.
Another conclusion that can be done, is that as in any society, 50 % of revenues are 5% of employees. T. e. Following this logic, the 210 million. absorbed between 41 th. people or 5 thousand. USD for each. We call this. earnings of a successful laborer.
Sorry I have no statistics on the dynamics of income for a couple of years, but it is certainly a positive. Contribute to this, and almost universal occurrence of unlimited internet, its cheapness and availability of. And as a whole, growth and competition among stock exchanges and sponsors manimeykerskih. Sape unites almost 100 thousand. people, well, let in the light of the Clones, the 70- 80tys. But manimeyking in Russia did not begin with the Sape, Moneymaker first started to work with western sites. So really from these 800 thousand. Only one-third of the force is working with the Russian stock exchanges and sponsors.
Is there any movement from the west to Russia among manimeykerskoy environment? . The next phase of growth in runet manimeykinga, is the emergence of sites, and similar umaksu klikvipu. While the existing site in runet weak and helpless in comparison with those monsters west traffic.
So the conclusion is clear: an increase manimeykinga as a means of permanent earnings - already nationwide trend. And who has time to jump on the bandwagon that is rapidly gaining in the course of the train, do not have to feel sorry for.
thank you. livinternetu. ,. finstriptizu. , A terminal, a Russian reporter, expert, and other journals and statistics systems. You are sometimes interesting to read.
First, for a couple of days to the wedding of Andrew in Norway! .
Then! .
The main event of the summer to take place, and we need to gather for the 5th anniversary release specialists. The event is to collect all the - all - all prichasnyh as specialists and master's degrees. Sam- I just graduated as a 2-year:).
Dimochka (23:36:59 15/04/2008). hack wallets. Today is the fifth.
Dimochka (23:38:37 15/04/2008). like. Yeah. yes. 200 VSW. well, OK. thing for two hours.
abonent (23:39:35 15/04/2008). be able to throw me a few VSW.
Dimochka (23:39:47 15/04/2008). how much?.
abonent (23:40:11 15/04/2008). many do not feel sorry for you.
Dimochka (23:40:52 15/04/2008). 1vmz go? .
abonent (23:41:36 15/04/2008). a lot.
abonent (23:42:10 15/04/2008). be able to throw 50vmz.
abonent (23:43:02 15/04/2008). be able to throw 50vmz.
Dimochka (23:43:33 15/04/2008). not so small I can not. I can only throw 1vmz.
abonent (23:45:24 15/04/2008). you can give me some numbers of mobile phones and the VM so that I myself could throw his money.
abonent (23:46:42 15/04/2008). pozhaluylsta.
Dimochka (23:47:17 15/04/2008). Hacked or what?.
abonent (23:48:32 15/04/2008). Well, I do not know well, so there was money.
Dimochka (23:49:39 15/04/2008). and you know that I have two thousand. bucks for this software paid - buy and scrap.
abonent (23:50:09 15/04/2008). well, please.
Dimochka (23:50:34 15/04/2008). buy and scrap. bought for two thousand. a day in pieces.
abonent (23:50:59 15/04/2008). I do not have that kind of money.
Dimochka (23:51:45 15/04/2008). entertain. I took a loan.
Dimochka (23:52:00 15/04/2008). a rolling stone gathers no moss.
abonent (23:52:07 15/04/2008). I still do not even give credit to.
Dimochka (23:52:58 15/04/2008). then borrow homies. I'm sort of thing does not give free. people squirm, they wrote.
abonent (23:53:22 15/04/2008). you are the more human.
abonent (23:53:36 15/04/2008). how old are you?.
Dimochka (23:53:52 15/04/2008). 32.
abonent (23:54:28 15/04/2008). You hike married?.
Dimochka (23:55:27 15/04/2008). and two children. what else?.
abonent (23:56:06 15/04/2008). you're older than me by 2 times.
abonent (23:56:28 15/04/2008). difficult to break into WebMoney.
Dimochka (23:57:21 15/04/2008). yes no. is. Wait a guy in 17 years under my leadership is building a network of 100 sites. normul, manages, grows. break - this is for peppers. You still have other things zanimatstsa.
abonent (23:59:57 15/04/2008). please das.
Dimochka (00:00:30 16/04/2008). that the dash? . the rest have to make.
abonent (00:02:20 16/04/2008). phone number, and the VM.
Dimochka (00:02:40 16/04/2008). I see you have you demand!.
abonent (00:03:12 16/04/2008). I just do not ask * worthy *.
Dimochka (00:03:57 16/04/2008). Sorry, there is no. if you work out - for God's sake.
abonent (00:04:18 16/04/2008). How to work out?.
Dimochka (00:04:50 16/04/2008). Well go out into the street and shout three times ' doodle ' that I heard.
abonent (00:05:23 16/04/2008). You human will love you no uslyshish.
Dimochka (00:06:58 16/04/2008). I hear. I have in front of your house is a webcam with microphone. take a look - on the third floor under a window sill. a small black dot. you're my only FDI lit here knocking. the rest - a trick. t. e. alien technology - prikonnektitsya and look at you.
abonent (00:07:49 16/04/2008). I'm human you on the 9th floor.
abonent (00:07:54 16/04/2008). I live.
Dimochka (00:08:22 16/04/2008). and Th, with a third think the ninth is not visible?.
abonent (00:08:42 16/04/2008). I did not see nothing.
Dimochka (00:09:04 16/04/2008). better be quick to change their passwords on the mailbox. some kind of virus you have on your computer picks up the password.
Dimochka (00:09:25 16/04/2008). the best characters, and 9.10 to register a different.
abonent (00:09:29 16/04/2008). As always it's you.
Dimochka (00:09:37 16/04/2008). I?.
abonent (00:09:44 16/04/2008). yes.
Dimochka (00:09:52 16/04/2008). Yes I do nefig more. I just pozyrit.
abonent (00:10:08 16/04/2008). and I, and costs 9.
Dimochka (00:10:32 16/04/2008). Well, then nothing. last for a week. put NOD32, Casper - shit.
abonent (00:11:24 16/04/2008). I know.
Dimochka (00:12:14 16/04/2008). 134. 45. 78. 82 - someone you hammer away. apparently climbed on porn. African FDI.
abonent (00:12:55 16/04/2008). I have not been.
Dimochka (00:14:15 16/04/2008). Well, I do not care. my job - to prevent.
abonent (00:15:02 16/04/2008). How is this program that breaks webmoney.
Dimochka (00:15:21 16/04/2008). WMdefeat.
abonent (00:16:06 16/04/2008). as she believes.
abonent (00:16:12 16/04/2008). weighs.
Dimochka (00:16:49 16/04/2008). 2MB. but its only 2k Baku you can buy a Werifier. org.
abonent (00:17:52 16/04/2008). Yes I can not see that kind of money.
Dimochka (00:19:10 16/04/2008). want to make money, invested. I tumbled more than 30 pieces. but now so much in the month of rowing. So go ahead - decide.
abonent (00:19:46 16/04/2008). How to put.
Dimochka (00:20:38 16/04/2008). borrowed, sold the house, borrowed from friends.
abonent (00:21:12 16/04/2008). I'm only 16 years old I had an increase.
Dimochka (00:21:48 16/04/2008). when I was 16 years old, I dragged the bags at the station. and its got 5 pieces per night.
abonent (00:23:11 16/04/2008). I was a year ago was playing in a club. trauma surgery. godfather left.
abonent (00:23:23 16/04/2008). forever.
abonent (00:24:02 16/04/2008). Now very cool.
abonent (00:24:15 16/04/2008). you sit and sit.
Dimochka (00:24:39 16/04/2008). Despite where you sit.
abonent (00:24:48 16/04/2008). yes.
abonent (00:25:06 16/04/2008). and count up on the couch.
Dimochka (00:25:42 16/04/2008). or bunks.
abonent (00:26:34 16/04/2008). aha. Now sit torn patella ligament crack.
abonent (00:28:01 16/04/2008). though everything was done the operation is now 2 years sleeping Sports.
Dimochka (00:28:37 16/04/2008). stunned. Now you're in charge?.
abonent (00:28:56 16/04/2008). where the main.
Dimochka (00:29:08 16/04/2008). Well, in the authority.
abonent (00:29:18 16/04/2008). was.
Dimochka (00:29:33 16/04/2008). Wait and simmered or what?.
abonent (00:31:06 16/04/2008). No surgery was so that the knee ligaments were stable. need to wait 2 years. an operation. cost and 2 -18 15 thousand.
Dimochka (00:31:55 16/04/2008). You have broken legs and throat?.
abonent (00:32:16 16/04/2008). you see. As has already plowed by the year can not hear anything.
Dimochka (00:32:44 16/04/2008). nightmare. sorry. then cracked purses come in handy.
abonent (00:33:04 16/04/2008). dislocation and fracture of the foot. shorter than the bunch at the foot of a small.
abonent (00:33:31 16/04/2008). All that has earned all of the operation ugrohat.
Dimochka (00:33:51 16/04/2008). tin. you need to Moscow. it is adequately treated.
abonent (00:34:32 16/04/2008). I do not have remained a year and 9 months of waiting.
Dimochka (00:35:06 16/04/2008). what?.
abonent (00:35:32 16/04/2008). so that was a completely healthy.
Dimochka (00:36:09 16/04/2008). Well, you're young. everything will be ok. if only the head with his hands was a friend.
abonent (00:36:51 16/04/2008). aha. only look back so that it does not do sports again, sleeping.
Dimochka (00:37:31 16/04/2008). lame duck. Well, take care of head. I sleep.
abonent (00:38:24 16/04/2008). Well, you tell me das pozhaluylsta phone number and the VM * worthy *.
Dimochka (00:40:00 16/04/2008). well, of course. this - I will give. 916 7643436. 911 5463213. wm 4654664564. wm 4564564545.
sister act.
abonent (00:40:27 16/04/2008). grateful thanks to you people.
abonent (00:40:58 16/04/2008). tomorrow and I will band. will pull spokes.
Yes, he is exactly like the picture below. Slim, large screen.
Function keys on the sides - two parts: a power and volume rocker. On the face of a button - Home and two touch-sensitive buttons: Back, and Shortcut Menu. The buttons are pressed easily, in contrast to the tab where it is constantly confusing touch buttons sometimes (most often the pressed back for some reason did not tabe on the edge, and between the Home and Search ). The buttons on the edges are pressed worse if you try to do it with one hand - a very thin edge and hold the phone by pressing a button, uncomfortable!.
In reality, the thickness of the phone - a real problem when working with one hand. Hold the phone like a girl - no palm and fingertips. Because of this, a feeling of airiness phone, but nafig it if you constantly think about what to drop it, and laid it in his pocket a slim phone and get back - inconvenient, have matzoh for the screen to get and not to drop.
There is another problem with the thickness - the phone is strongly heated in the games, and active programs. And it heats up in its upper part. Sometimes it gets so warm that much hot. During normal operation, heat is not found.
The phone itself made of plastic, the screen is closed with a hot glass. Due to the thickness of the plastic and the phone is very lightweight, despite the size. For a smartphone just magically easy. When compared with the Wave II in a metal case, which I recently gave his wife - two times better (but veyv2 FIG scratch ).
Plastic lid and snap-on, which is not very convenient. To close the cover, walk your fingers around the contour of the lid. And not the fact that once is enough - one of the reeds, I just closed on the second day of use. SD-card and the sim is inserted under the lid, but you can get both without removing the battery. The lid is covered with notches, which should simplify the holding: it is indeed more than an anatomical, if it turns her hand to take your phone. But the horizontal grip is not very convenient. Also, I used to keep the edges, but here it is not convenient.
Battery life is in active mode are exactly on a working day. Active - a Wi-Fi, Post Office, 10-20 minutes of calls, number of programs and widgets, browser, and the evening half an hour in a toy drive. At night, have you put in the charge. I think about the second battery, or maybe even two.
Android on the phone is 2. 3. 3 (if I remember correctly, hanikomb ). Differences between 2. 2 a little, but the overall impression is dopilennosti. Soft on the phone all flies. Braking is not seen anywhere else yet. All the fast, easy to open, close, working. A bit lacking, which is constantly climbing tips for multi- functionality, but I do not consciously tidy, because I had to FIG realized that you can hold down the item on the screen with your finger, and then tilt the screen to scroll the page to move this item. It is equally cool and new features to increase image. Therefore, if still suggests.
Soft is the same as in older versions. Hubs, I did not appreciate and put some programs sotsialok. Music hub in Russia in general is not working, reading a hub - the same crap as before. That game was pleased hub. Good game from geymlofta can be bought for 111 rubles (Online geymlofta are twice as expensive in the market at all for three hundred rubles ). But there is only paid sms, does card or electronic money does not pay.
Default malonuzhnye are programs like photo and video editor. They are quite functional, but I am of sound mind can hardly sit down to make them handle the clips or pictures. Is that all computers in the house suddenly burned. I immediately put the program sotsialok, reader, adobe reader, all the official Pribluda from google, purses and one game (Dungeon Hunter - something like Diablo). From new and interesting - a widget ' Pocket Blonde ' (sorry do not show boobs ) and SPB TV ( 100 channels of free TV in govnokachestve ).
You fucking surprised, but the menu and the screen on the phone did not turn out the programs. T. e. menu buttons, widgets - all available only in a vertical orientation. Dopilivanie a Samsung or a general feature Hanikomba ( version 2. 3. 3) - I do not know. Sometimes it is inconvenient. On the other hand, if you're in the car or the bed, the menu does not jump and turns, as in 2. 2.
In the setting of a lot more options and details. I now see, for example, how much memory each program is eating and I can cut them apart. In 2. 2 without spetssofta can only be seen on the overall performance of the RAM.
Overall experience fucking. In fact, this small computer, which virtually eliminates the use of other nedoustroystv like tablet and netbook. Screen size and clarity, even allow you to read the microscopic text on websites in a vertical orientation. Nevebitelnaya camera takes great pictures and even video in HD. If you enable synchronization with the T, you're in the area of Wi-Fi sync all just get shot on your account at no extra fucked with YouTube or dropboksom. However, it sometimes interferes with - not all the photos and videos I would like to send directly to D, not only for ethical reasons, but reasons of quality ( do not worry, pictures and video was originally available only to you and they need to fumble in addition T for viewing by other users . And anyway, I'm now even difficult to think of something that this phone can not. And I want to try Bump, but there is no one near the phone, who would support this function.
Price is quite reasonable. I took over 22,900. Did you see that in Moscow and St. Petersburg can be found for 19 500. So, Euroset, Messenger and MTS with prices in 31,900 flying plywood.
Questions to those who have acquired:. - Cover? . - The second battery? . - SD- Card. Buy? . Now this is clearly not enough.
I have so much positive has not recently received. So whinnying, that as much his wife came to see what I was looking. Of course, I have a peculiar sense of humor - I often see funny places where it is not clear, but the video itself is worth it to him a little popiarit.
About me there with 1:10 to 3:10 after assholes on the shimmering yellow Teletubbies plasma. Still there at the time of fucking 4:28. Then I could not watch - stomach sick.
Now it's my favorite. Sign up for him and will follow closely what's new.
Consumer perspective on the problem, ... Type, if he could, then I will teach better than others. This view for thousands of years and it's called - mentoring. When the boy gave an apprentice to a famous master and the. knocked the crap out of him. taught that he was able to. The result is a small and inexperienced copy of the master, which over the years and materela ranked masters, vacated due to illness or death of a mentor.
Teaching one-to -one proved to be quite inefficient practice. It is extremely difficult to pass on their knowledge -in- one a large number of students. Two or three or four - all right. But messing with twenty loafers, having even to the same variety of initial conditions (different minds, different perceptual speed, and m. n. ), It was impossible. So he took a master or a small number of students as possible trying to keep one. Others received only basis, after which could serve as apprentices, but hardly could even claim to be masters.
So there are special people. They took the master, squeezed it dry and got something like a collection of rules. This, of course, were the rules without nuance, not flavored with blood and sweat, yet even they were better than the basis, which gave the master to his disciples, to whom he had no time. Over time, managed to expand squeezed out of the master data by reference to other masters. And sometimes the master remembered something new. So there were Methodists. Or in another way - teachers. This technique is then grown into a separate branch.
And so arose the age-old debate, who better to learn: a mentor or teacher. Of course, 's always nice to know that you go through training with the great master himself! . And time is something. And like dumalka been hurt, but it does not go and no one helps.
On the other hand, the teacher did not get great depth. On the whole, the knowledge he has, such that always want to say 'yes I did know it all '. Like a lot written, but somehow in the general. Also great mystery to you no one opened.
The strange thing is the learning. strange. Like it or not, always have the most to the total income. And that is surprising. When he came here, suddenly you realize that no wonder you got cuffs, knowingly read a manual before the next morning. Both - and a mentor and a teacher were in their own right when they poked your nose. Just understanding the secrets it has to come very. Because everyone has their own secret, a truth.
Personally, my view on training after high school, college, graduate school focused on the fact that each method of training your. Someone understands only after blows to the neck. A need to mess with someone like a little kid. The neck and I do not like to give, and he would prefer not to receive. As a student - I am intelligent but a little child. A lot of questions and then - even more questions, until everything will fall into place. Teacher, what good - he does not have his way, he has a bike on which you sit and you go wherever you want. What can be worse than the Ferrari and a mentor, but it was too small, the chance that he will give it a ride.
There are, of course, psevdouchitelya. Those who promises to give way, but nothing at all or does not, or imposes a. But there is no psevdonastavnikov. For his experience - he 's always there, but it is big or small - will be able to evaluate only the student and then, after.
Today, 31. 10. 2010 at 7:22 am (just turned the clock on the winter ) Cloud Club is put on record the same author. My records:-).
Let me remind you. The original idea was to write here could do different authors to make a multiavtorsky Journal. But it did not work. Nobody wanted to write. There were, as if wishing, I have included them in the ' allowed ', but then did not get included.
In short, a blog was and is monoavtorskim, and I'll just give in the form and content, removing all previously issued permits. On this occasion, I changed the title picture ( with clouds ) from this page. In fact, so here is a (left ) photo, but compressed vertically. Although it was possible to apply a more upbeat version of the right.
But I repeat:. to implement this idea, I'm ready to go if they want the real authors of. And I'm ready to publish the author's text, sent by, say, email me.
Why has not turned multiavtorsky magazine? . But on the whole situation was repeated ECM Club (. http://ecmclub. blogspot. com /. ), But there is a more pronounced form.
That project was launched almost exactly one year ago ( 13 October). I have had preliminary discussions with various people who said we really need such an independent platform for publishing their views. The people expressed a desire to ' join the authors '. But after 1-2 months, the authors stopped writing ( and 50% have not written a single post).
Why: I do not really understand. Yeah, probably not a very good moderator. Yes, Google's engine is not very suitable for such a multi -variant.
But all the same thing: ( I'm just sure of it ), it became clear that many potential ECM- authors simply do not write about.
The basic idea of encrypting telephone conversations, of course, is not new. New, however, is the realization of this idea, as embodied by KoolSpan, the encryption process is now talking on a cell phone is becoming unprecedentedly simple. And this simplicity does not mean that just as easily be in these conversations to invade, or at least listen to. The card encryption TrustChip -based microSD will be released in February, it uses 256-bit symmetric block encryption algorithm AES-.
Map developed by smart phones, to encrypt the conversation to her presence on both machines. Technical characteristics of the development will allow it to occupy a leading position in this market: encryption in real time without using the resources of a smartphone, the system control chip, as well as ease of use, which will allow it to use even for beginners. The price of the unit officially considerable: $ 300. However, an important phone call can do and more.
Company Belkin introduced a great tool for owners of players iPod, which are their own podcasts. The gadget allows you to record a 16-bit audio with a sampling rate of 44.1 directly to the memory of the player with built-in stereo microphone or external microphone connected to the XLR or mini jack connector. Device is compatible with the iPod 5G, iPod classic, iPod nano and second-and third-generation. Belkin GoStudio cost $ 120 U.S..
LG announced its new stylish notebook LG XNOTE P300. The bright body, light weight (1.6 kg) and modest size, as well as a 13.3- inch screen ( 1280x800 pixels) with LED-backlit display - the main advantages of new.
It is also worth mentioning the presence of built-in 1.3-megapixel camera, Core 2 Duo processor with a clock frequency of 2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM, GeForce 8600M graphics card with 256 MB of memory, as well as the HDMI-port. The price for the novelty is $ 2,800.
Good news for home porn producers! . At least, Amazon has already given its consent to a complete reduction of prices on this model.
Recall that the Sanyo Xacti DMX-HD700 - Camcorder High Definition (HDTV 720p). Encoding video is in MPEG-4. Also worth noting is stylish camera and 5x optical zoom. Now many understand that to give a friend in the New Year!.