вторник, 20 марта 2012 г.

Cloud Club goes into copyright monobloga

Today, 31. 10. 2010 at 7:22 am (just turned the clock on the winter ) Cloud Club is put on record the same author. My records:-).

Let me remind you. The original idea was to write here could do different authors to make a multiavtorsky Journal. But it did not work. Nobody wanted to write.
There were, as if wishing, I have included them in the ' allowed ', but then did not get included.

In short, a blog was and is monoavtorskim, and I'll just give in the form and content, removing all previously issued permits.
On this occasion, I changed the title picture ( with clouds ) from this page. In fact, so here is a (left ) photo, but compressed vertically. Although it was possible to apply a more upbeat version of the right.

But I repeat:. to implement this idea, I'm ready to go if they want the real authors of. And I'm ready to publish the author's text, sent by, say, email me.

Why has not turned multiavtorsky magazine? . But on the whole situation was repeated ECM Club (. http://ecmclub. blogspot. com /. ), But there is a more pronounced form.

That project was launched almost exactly one year ago ( 13 October). I have had preliminary discussions with various people who said we really need such an independent platform for publishing their views. The people expressed a desire to ' join the authors '. But after 1-2 months, the authors stopped writing ( and 50% have not written a single post).

Why: I do not really understand. Yeah, probably not a very good moderator. Yes, Google's engine is not very suitable for such a multi -variant.

But all the same thing: ( I'm just sure of it ), it became clear that many potential ECM- authors simply do not write about.

That 's the view.

And while I adjusted the title of a little - picture and blog about it yet published naming conventions of the cloud ( the real ), in its Travel- blog (. http://akolesov-travel. blogspot. com/2010/10/blog-post_31. html. ).

Cloud Club continues to operate in mono mode. And then - let's see.

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