воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.

How to make portfolio advertising studios in the region

Often in a portfolio of various studio advertising can be found such halophytes:.

I 'll tell you how they are made. And then you'll understand why studios logos put a heap, without explaining what they were for work. The whole point is that the ads - the concept of comprehensive and fit into this concept can be almost anything.

He came to the studio manager, alpha, two hundred pieces dopechatat cards at their own expense, because the enterprise ended, and have something to work with. Nothing is given, the logo had to look on the internet, and then draw it with his hands still, well - a simple.

Audi goes no idea what we were doing something for them. We just did a big poster for my friend Basil, local dealer audi.

Printed for promotional T-shirts two girls.

Made to order BTL advertising studio of Eagle, which won the tender for the provision of services across Russia BTL for Proctor.

Well, just like that, every detail of two wrappers and a couple of thousand rubles a shaft into a plump portfolio of advertising studio. Rarely lie - though I've seen references, for example, on their own work displayed by other people my friends. So indulge in a mostly young studio. But all fuynyu if there was a brand logo to include in the portfolio of nearly all. In practice, this translates into the problem, as obraschentsy from Moscow on the move trying to start speaking the language of the people who have already passed work with large companies on large orders, demand all sorts of tests they say a lot of unfamiliar words. And then write on profiforumah, saying that what is fuflogonstvo regional advertising. And in some ways they are right. Vanity - a favorite of the sins of the devil.

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