вторник, 24 апреля 2012 г.

masked guns

shooting stick.

The simplest - a shooting stick. Such weapons have appeared during the Second World War as a weapon of last chance for secret agents. His main drawback - the disposable.
Background of its occurrence is. In 1941,. in Velvine, north London, there was a laboratory under the direction of Dr.. M. Nevitt, nicknamed the ... Soon after, among other developments were presented single-shot ... It was called ...

British shared their designs with American colleagues from the Division of Research and Development Office of Strategic Services (OSS ). Those created its own model ...
The name of the ... a new rechargeable 5.6- mm ... The barrel length of 31.7 mm caliber cartridge for thyself 22 ( 5.6 mm ) and is screwed into the body. Pressing the shutter was a clamp handle. Drummer cap cocked nomination. After that it was possible to return the cap in place, turn the ring on the body so that it is locked descent, and ready to fire away a pen in your pocket. For the shot had to turn the ring back, hold the handle in the palm of your hand and press your thumb on the clip. The length of the ...

Not far behind the West and our country. According to the memoirs of Soviet spy A. Kolosov, shooting pen was offered in 1965. potential as a weapon of attack on the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, but the operation never took place because suddenly died a scheduled performer - and the actual initiator - the Italian Socialist.

One of the masked shooting accessories home development was carried out in a pen with a retractable rod at both ends and screwing in two parts. One part really was a pen with a regular ball pivot. In the second mounted trigger mechanism and barrel filled with 5.6- mm cartridge. And the muzzle of the barrel was carried out on a cone, like a normal pen. So that the user is not confused, ...

The short barrel weapons, ... When shooting at a man she can not even penetrate a tight clothes, and penetrated through it, will not cause injury to sensitive - it will effect comparable with shooting calcined sand or salt, that used previously watchmen. Striving for a real shock, ...

But the ... P. Adrian, developing a ...
The Russian 15-mm product ... The set of cartridges for it includes: a signal green, red, yellow or white light ( at an inclination of ... Candela and the sound pressure level of 100 dB; coloring cartridge, releasing at an angle of 60 degrees with a dye - Lakra Mataram at a distance of 3 m.
The idea of ​​shooting pens were not slow to take advantage of our criminal elements, and at one time the weapon was a headache police. Domestic bandit ... The short barrel ( 20 - 40 mm ) are most likely to be smooth. Sometimes used for this purpose cut rifled barrels malokaliberok with a small length of the barrel the bullet did not give the stability. Gradually, this fad got away ...

Subsequently, the idea of ​​shooting a fountain pen with a hammer mechanism on the basis of bolt was used in trehzarvd Mr. signaling device. Quite a loud signal of this device is achieved by breaking the hunting cap ... This is a - three-way device, consisting of three combined impact mechanisms, each of which consists of a mandrel for the capsule ... In this device accidentally discharged for breaking the capsule drums excluded so that the springs do not have preload and drummer for the capsule without any effort. Cocked securely lock the engine with a spring clamp, which signal the device is kept in a pocket. In turn, engine lock the latch on the device. To remove the device with a fuse, you must first pin down the clip to the body, then move the cursor back. Breaking capsule is alternately turning the speakers flags drummers.

Shooting a cigarette and pipe.

Even during the Second World War for the British SOE was designed shooting device, ... It was a barrel length of 76 and a caliber of 4.5 mm, to which was attached by two cotter pin breech. In the sagittal breech placed bullet of hardened steel cap for him - drummer with the mainspring. All this is wrapped in tissue paper, masked behind the cigarette filter, a layer of burnt-out front - tobacco - a device you can hold in your hand like a cigarette zakurennuyu. For the shot had to dislocate ... There was a 5.6- mm version of the ...
It is best suited for a concealed handgun form of a pipe. USS United States was the ... Breech pistol grip and actually served as a ... In the ... 22 ... Cocked firing pin with a button, slide in the T -shaped groove of the ... For a shot of her finger to be pushed out of the groove, after which the helical coil spring send forth a drummer, and he broke the cap chuck. Bone mouthpiece attached to the tube mount - nym compound covered the barrel and quickly shot to shot. The mass of the ... Muzzle energy of the bullet did not exceed 33 J, the effective shooting range - 2 m.

Guns - cigarette case, lighter, boxes, match.

Many everyday items in the pockets of people is. And many of them one way or another can be converted into masked ... An example of this - the hard cigarette case, half of which is occupied by ordinary cigarettes, and the second mounted gun with folding trigger. When you press the shutter first opens the valve in the wall, covering the muzzle of the barrel, followed by a shot.

His ... And the famous Tula gunsmith. I. Stechkin. But first, a special munition that provides silent and flameless shot. Igor Y. invited push the bullet out of the trunk pan, which, giving an initial rate of the pool, stop at the end of the barrel, blocking the exit gases powder. The next shot of getting a bullet tray, and the next element overlaps the bore. Thus, the sound and the flames were not issued out. Chuck was named JS1. As the sleeves for a used full- sleeve gun cartridge PM. Even before the completion of laboratory testing SP1 Stechkin occurred more constructive solution to the idea of ​​a ... As he took a bullet shell bullet cartridge CT, inserting into it a long duralumin rod. Case was a pereshtampovannuyu to reduce the outer diameter of the workpiece chuck sleeve of 1943 prior to its reduction to Dultsev. The charge of a special composition was very small - it barely overlaps the seed capsule opening. This charge is clamped to the bottom of the aluminum cap sleeves. Only then crimped blank cartridges for Dultsev a 7.62-mm bullet with an aluminum rod protruding. This bullet is inserted into the sleeve to lock the pivot in cap. The first prototypes of the cartridge, called SP2, were made personally Stechkin. ( In what must be a master to perform in the grip of stamping!).

The first firing of a ballistic hole showed that the idea of ​​SP2 is real and it is quite feasible. The bullet flew from the rifled stem length only 20 mm at a speed of 160 meters per second and at a distance of 5 meters crush another five dry pine planks, each 25 mm thick.

In the SP1 and SP2 cartridges Stechkin on the positive conclusion TSNIITOCH -MASH (then SRI -61) have been issued certificates of authorship. The results of experiments on the SP2 were transferred to NII- 61 for testing and documentation of technology as applied to mass production. This work was performed as a senior engineer Iraida Gubel. Stechkin meanwhile engaged in the development of weapons that the shape and size did not differ from an ordinary cigarette case. The ... Trunks were filled with ... The shooting was done by pressing the button, which normally serves as a cigarette case latch.

On the same principle, we had developed and other weapons, including small and quietly throwing mines.

Cigarette packets and matchboxes have long been a favorite subject for concealment of explosive devices. Thus, during the Great Patriotic War in GSKB -47 group H. On. Noskov was developed subversive booby trap MS ( ...

It is well known for the lighter, designed for a miniature pistol or revolver. But it was the opposite trend - the usual appearance of lighters loaded ... One such device was a real ... Gasoline pocket lighter with a rectangular metal case and hinged wick could well be used for its intended purpose. However, the stock of fuel was low, since most of the housing occupied by single-shot firing device. For him it was necessary to move the loading down of the body, which was attached the barrel, and throw it on the hinge, put the opened chamber cartridge -type. 22 ... At the same time cocked hammer mechanism. For a lighter shot directed down toward the enemy, flat bottom cover back in the hinge, opening the muzzle of the trunk and pulling the trigger. Had overcome the descent. At a certain skill all this can be done with one hand.

Institute of Interior Ministry special equipment in the early 90's introduced the ... Created ... ...

Concealed weapons in belt buckles, cell phone.

More than an everyday object - hand luggage, whether it be a handbag, briefcase or card. Its presence in the hands of no surprise to the owner, it can be almost constant. Depending on the size, it allows you to hide various weapons to be used for a purpose.

In our time in Tula TsKIB COO Designer B. In. Bondarev ( creator of the famous sniper rifle SVU AU) developed two types of concealed weapons - one mounted in belt buckles, and the other is hidden in the prose mobile phone.
It is well known and so-called ... Despite the intriguing title, it is a very ordinary small-sized samples of automatic weapons, equipped with carrying handles and is easily discharged from the casing as a diplomat ( attache case). The Czechs thus masked weak sub-machine gun ... At the receiver top mounted handle weapons, like the handle of a diplomat. The owner must press the lever on the handle, after which the case is dropped and the hand is ready to fire weapons. Here it is not so much about the masked gun and concealed carry on the way ... Similarly, the special branch of diplomats, handbags shoulder bags or belt used to carry concealed pistols and revolvers.

Shooting cigarette cases, cigarette packs, ... A new generation of disguised weapons now do as a cell phone. It is very convenient, especially because the barrel sticking out well disguised antenna. However, this problem does not end. Ideally, the weapon should not be detected metallodetek - tori. Then one way - the use of new high-strength plastic and metal for the most stressed parts. In this way the creators of the gun and went invisible «Glass Gan», which consists in service with U.S. intelligence. Weapon reload automatically on the basis of automation - the return of free gate. The shot is from the rear sear, that is, in a submachine gun. This design is simple and reliable. Weapons designed for Caseless cartridges, which are also not detected by metal detectors. Ceramic bullet has a plastic coating, which interacts with the rifling in the barrel, as well as the sharp edges create additional stress to which the metal- are much more sensitive than conventional steel, the polygonal rifling made. For more stealth pistol is equipped with a silencer conventional integrated type. Magazine capacity 15 rounds. As you can see, quite modern weapons.